Friday, January 16, 2009

Cooking with Pomiane or Engine 2 Diet

Cooking with Pomiane (Modern Library Food Series)

Author: Edouard de Pomian

First published in France in the 1930s, Cooking with Pomiane continues to inspire today's chefs with its inventive simplicity. Edouard de Pomiane turned classic French cuisine on its head, stripping away complicated sauces and arcane techniques to reveal the essence of pure, unadorned good cooking. A food scientist, he offers lucid explanations for why food behaves as it does. Read him and the cream in your gratin dauphinois will never separate, your pot au feu will never be stringy, and your choux pastry will puff to astonishing proportions. Pomiane's great accomplishment was to restore confidence to the cook, and joy to the kitchen. Cooking with Pomiane spills over with amusing stories and more than three hundred superb and streamlined recipes; it is as much a delight to read as it is to cook from. This Modern Library edition is published with an Introduction by the renowned food writer Elizabeth David.

Book about: Der Neue Industriestaat

Engine 2 Diet: The Texas Firefighter's 28-Day Save-Your-Life Plan That Lowers Cholesterol and Burns Away the Pounds

Author: Rip Esselstyn

As a fireman Rip Esselstyn has helped people and saved lives, but with his ENGINE 2 DIET plan he will help save lives on a much larger scale. A world-class professional triathlete-turned-fireman, as well as the son, grandson and great-grandson of renowned physicians, Rip Esselstyn knows how to live a healthy lifestyle. So, when he learned that one of his fellow Engine 2 firefighter's cholesterol level was dangerously high, he immediately went into action. First, he created THE ENGINE 2 DIET, a 28-day health and weight loss program. Next, he enlisted not only his at-risk friend, but the entire firehouse to follow the plan. Everyone lost weight (some more than 20 pounds!), lowered their cholesterol and improved their overall health. Encouraged, Rip went on to further prove the effectiveness of his plan through a citywide study--and the results were even more amazing! In this easy-to-follow, 28-day program, readers are given a choice of two plans; the Fire Cadet Plan begins with a "flexitarian" approach to eating that includes a nutrient-rich, mostly plant-based diet featuring fresh fruit, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts, seeds, some fish and chicken, and the other, the Firefighter Plan, is all plant-based. To ensure every reader's success, THE ENGINE 2 DIET also includes recipes, meal plans, grocery lists, cooking tips, and a firefighter-inspired exercise program to boost metabolism, build strength and endurance.

1 comment:

Ande Rasmussen said...

Rip is a friend of mine
thanks for writing about him