Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Skinny Bitch or Warming and Welcoming Big Soups

Skinny Bitch: A No-Nonsense, Tough-Love Guide for Savvy Girls Who Want to Stop Eating Crap and Start Looking Fabulous

Author: Rory Freedman

Not your typical boring diet book, this is a tart-tongued, no-holds-barred wakeup call to all women who want to be thin. With such blunt advice as, "Soda is liquid Satan" and "You are a total moron if you think the Atkins Diet will make you thin," it's a rallying cry for all savvy women to start eating healthy and looking radiant. Unlike standard diet books, it actually makes the reader laugh out loud with its truthful, smart-mouthed revelations. Behind all the attitude, however, there's solid guidance. Skinny Bitch espouses a healthful lifestyle that promotes whole grains, fruits, and vegetables, and encourages women to get excited about feeling "clean and pure and energized."

Associated Press

The authors are brazen...They're not trying to win popularity contests...they just want healthy people.

Chicago Sun Times

Ready to jump-start 2006 with an electric prod to the system? ...They tell it like it is, and without delicacy.


Don't hate them--be them. The authors of 'Skinny Bitch' offer women a no-holds-barred approach to being thin and fabulous.

Austin American Statesman

This 224-page gem...tells it like it is.

Florida Today

What are you waiting for, you moron? Go buy this book!


...there's more solid information about health and nutrition in Skinny Bitch than in most diet and health books...

Energy Times

...have achieved the seemingly impossible by writing a diet book that's as sassy and entertaining as it is packed with reliable information.


...many priceless-yet-unprintable dictums certainly make you laugh in a way few diet books can.

Interesting book: Best American Political Writing 2008 or First Ladies

Warming and Welcoming Big Soups: Over 70 Comforting Recipes for Hearty, Creamy, Spicy, Chunky and One-Pot Soups

Author: Debra Mayhew

A wonderful collection of over 70 delicious recipes to suit all tastes and occasions, including a wide variety of apppetizers, light lunches and suppers and main meal soups.

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